Hi, My LT10-V turntable will no longer play a record. The tonearm no longer drops on the record but just continues moving across the record without dropping. Any help would be appreciated.
This turntable service manual can download from this website. If you dowload try to check all lamps, fhoto sensor, ect. this is not working without LP because it has LP sensor (33 or 45 speed, position sensor, ect. Yesterday I repair a Sansui turntable where same problem than you.
On this website has service manual where you can read how need adjuting arm lift setting. (This is working wia solenoid) Problem first is the solenoid controller, second problem is mechanical problem.
This turntable service manual can download from this website. If you dowload try to check all lamps, fhoto sensor, ect. this is not working without LP because it has LP sensor (33 or 45 speed, position sensor, ect. Yesterday I repair a Sansui turntable where same problem than you.
On this website has service manual where you can read how need adjuting arm lift setting. (This is working wia solenoid) Problem first is the solenoid controller, second problem is mechanical problem.