My pedal is a couple of yrs old and suddenly stopped working when you depress the pedal! The straight signal still comes through but nothing when you push pedal into wah mode. Any suggestions for cause and cure........short of file 13ing it...LOL.........Is it worth a repair shop tech cost? I loved the pedal but now wonder if it was a good choice??? I liked the way it activated without having to click a button! I appreciate any help...................yofrenray
Hello Saxman,
Check the U1 (CD4069) IC output pins 12,10,8.This IC switches automatically the "wah" function.And as Mr.SzBalint suggested,check the optical couplers as LDR1 photoresistor and L1 LED .Does the LEDs lit? Maybe these are invisible infra LEDs.
On the output pins the voltage changes between level L (0-2V) or H (7-9V) wah on and wah off function.
What happens if you turn the wah off potmeter TP 1?
Good luck to repair.
Thanks TJ ...........Now, if my dumass can figure out what you said!!....I`ll go online and figure it out hopefully!........LOL
Először meg kell nézni a benne levő két izzót(L1 és L2) és az LDR ellenállásokat, működnek-e, ha valamelyik hibás, azonos típusra kell cserélni
Itt van rajz is
Thank You...köszönöm SzBálint...............yofrenray