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ONKYO TX-NR5009 Does not detect sound channels

When you turn on the Receiver after having been off for more than 30min, it does not recognize what signal is coming in, neither the channels and their space appears in black, leaving all the source inputs the same, the level adjustment in the system configuration either emits sound.
However when you turn it off and on again for the second time it recognizes everything perfectly.
Does anyone know what happens, what is the solution?
Could it be that it contains a battery that stores memory as in a pc board?
Please help with this problem, with this situation that we are all living from the Pandemic, my Recepetor Onkyo has become the heart of my home entertainment to distract us from all the sorrows.

Ambrosia Heart
Ambrosia Heart picture

It is a very common faulty in onkyo av-amp.
If your amp was bought before 2012 3/4 quarter,  no matter how carefully used, it gives you no sound.  There is a very useful way to make a complete diagnosis via service mode.  If you want to DIY, leave your email here or in my message box.

I don"t tell you here. Why? I buy faulty amp to fix on web and sell them out.