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Panasonic TX-40DSW404, red LED blinks 3 times

Hello all together,

yesterday our house was hit by lightning.
Now my TV doesn't work anymore.
When starting it, the red LED blinks 3 times.
I already found out that this means there is a Problem with the 3v3 Powersupply on the D-Board.
Now I searched for a service manual for this model so I can try to repair it but didn't find one. Does anybody of you have something like this or knows where I could get a service manual fir my TV?

Thanks in advance.


Edmundson picture

Hi Maddo!

I suggest you to measure the resistance at the output of the power supply and the input and output of the voltage regulators on the boards. You may find short circuit on some power line. If there is no short circuit or extremely low resistance switch the unit on and measure all voltages at the output of power supply. Than locate the voltage regulators on the specified board. If you find a missing voltage you win. Just replace the faulty regulator. But after a serious voltage stress probably you will find more than one faulty component.



Kari picture

Hi Maddo,
if your chassis is; KM29E _I loaded an SM up (for_TX-40DSW504)...


Anonymous picture

Hi Kari,

thanks for your attempt and your quick response.
Unfortunately my chassis is a different. I can't tell you wich exactly but defenetly not the same as in your SM.


Kari picture

Your welcome,
if you knows a type of problematic chassis; you can search for docs per chassis name/type too in our SM-databasis...
Or even better, set it into our "WANTED" listing -as the right way for searching here- mostly can be successfull in some time.
Be succcessfull! Kari