Hi !
I have a problem with the lid, it suddenly open and then it close, back and forth, which interupting the play... What could the problem be... Is it a bug inte system program, or could it have to with the the open close switch conected the CN703.... ? Is it a well known problem of the MCD370/22
Would be greatful if some one have the solution
/ Perka
Thank you SzBálint, but I already have the service manual, and there is no information about this issue. The service manual reveal that there is an open/close switch, and it also reavel the connection CN703 to the mainboard....
I wounder if there is others which have had similar problems, a known problem with a stright forward solution.... ?
I guess it could be an idea to remove the contacts CH703, etc and use a electrical cleaning spray to get rid of oxcides if that could be the problem.... Actually I have two Philips MCD370/22, since the first one i in principle new (used a few hours), the other one i bought seconhand (becouse the CD/DVD player seams to have a very nice functionality), but it came upp, it has the same problem with the lid, goes upp and down forever.....
Best regards
/ Perka, Stockhom, Sweden
I would suggest that the Open-Close switch should be replaced because sometimes passes and is as if someone has pressed it. It was probably a lot already used by this switch and replaced. Can be identified in the drawings.
Great ansure !
Thank you so much... If i have to replace it where can i order replacement parts (the open/close switch to a Philips MCD370/22)... ?
(By the way... Is it possible to also order a new laser for a Philips MCD370/22... Could some one have spare parts for Philips MCD370/22 in stock... ?)
Best regards
/ Perka
All the problems are solved without eny replacement parts.... Actually I have now two Philips MDC370/22 working perfectly....
The second one I bought seconhand, i have tryied a wet cleaning disc on, but that did not get the laser reading better.... So now I did it the har way.... I sprayed a contact clener (MOTIP Contact Cleaner, a very good one I have used on computer contacts on a Chevrolet 1996). First I sprayed the the upp and down switches and blow away the liquid with a airspray aftewards, I did it twise, and that gave nothing, the I got on the board where the manual switch for open/close are located, and did the same treatment... Then as a magic everything works perfectly.... No problem at all with spontanius open/close....
If those switches breaks down (on this rather old Philips cd/dvd), I think one could drill a hole in the cover and place a own solution switch there and solder new conections and cable to the board, etc.... That should work as well as replacement parts....
Dame, I have two good "killer" machines now with dame nice sound :-)
Best regards to you two with a guiding and helping intension :-)
/ Perka (Stockholm, Sweden)