The Micro Hi-Fi System MCM710/12 works correctly after plugging it into the mains. After approx. 90 seconds, the unit switches to ECO Power mode by itself. After a few. seconds, the unit switches off. If the unit is now switched on again by pressing the power button, the ECO Power indicator flashes for approx. 30 seconds and the unit no longer responds to any button presses etc. Then the display becomes dimmer and the unit is dead. Only after it has been disconnected from the mains can the described procedure be repeated. But the time it works correctly depends on how long It was disconnected.
As I like the Micro Hi-Fi System I would like to repair it. Please let me know if you recognize the reason for the malfunction on the basis of this description. Please explain to me how to repair the unit.
If you are not familiar with electronics, do not attempt to repair!
Sorry,but I have to write it after your questions.
Anyway the power supply schema is on the page 19.
You could suffer electric shock!
Changing capacitors randomly,looks like the russian roulette.
először ellenőrizd a tápegység feszültségeit
Itt van a service manual
Hello SzBálint
Thank you for the answer. I have looked at the service manual. Unfortunately, I am not an electronics engineer and therefore do not understand the manual in detail.
Can you give me a hint on the basis of my error description on which circuit board the error could be?
Can the error be caused by a defective capacitor on the power board?
Can you tell me if and where replacement PCBs are still available for the unit?
Thanks again and best regards