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Samsung S32BM700 tv not start, red led 2 short blink

Hello everyone,
I have a S32BM700 (model code LS32BM700UUXEN) with a strange issue
i have 3 mother boards BN94-17465U (code BN41-03019A) which 1 works good and 2 others not working correctly

Ths issue is when everything is connected correctly, the 2 not working boards are cycling in a loop with some sort of error
- Backlight power , then power down again after few seconds in a loop
- the red LED on the remote control receiver is flashing ( loop of 2 short flash then long pause)

Once i disconnect the left side lcd driver , i have again an image on the screen but only on half of the screen

I tested everything with the known working motherboard and screen so it's coming from the 2 faulty motherboards,

there is the image of the motherboard without heatsink, if needed i will keep the screen open to do tests if asked :)

Thank you for your time