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Sony HCD-GR8 super bass output connect to a preamp?

La salida del súper bajos va conectada a un preamplificador dice el manual q cuenta con una salida de 1volt lo q seria suficiente para exitar un pre o un amplificador para reproducir los graves .

Cómo arreglar la salida del súper bajos en caso de no tener esa señal? Gracias
The super bass output is connected to a preamp says the manual that has an output of 1volt which would be enough to excite a pre or amplifier to reproduce the bass.

How to fix the super bass output in case you don't have that signal? Thank you

PushyG picture


The super bass output is turned on / off by the DBFB pushbutton. Have you ever tried to activate the output with this?

Best regards,