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Sony HST-D105 won't hold tuner frequency or button settings through power cycling

My aging father's once reliable and favourite Sony radio loses its tuner settings each time the unit is powered off.  I'm guessing that there's an internal battery that has died but I'm not sure whether it's user replaceable nor what it looks like , or where it is located.  Or even if it is the problem, but once tuned, everything is working fine, until restart.

​​​​​​I'm an electronics noob with small experience but it seems unbelievable that the radio would become unusable and potentially useless for my dad because saved stations can't be accessed. He is getting beyond retuning and resetting them each day.  Any suggestions welcome.

PS (I've removed the metal shell but am no wiser as a result.)

imrus101 picture


According to the service manual there is a supercap in this unit, not a battery. Probably you need to replace this capacitor but you will need basic soldering skills. The reference designator of the component is C605, you can find it on the so called 'Panel Board', in the corner, next to the display connector. As I can see from the service manual, you need to remove the whole front PCB in order to get access to the capacitor. Its value is 0.22F, rated 5.5V.



SzBálint picture


Amin most írok, kis képernyős, át kell vinnem az asztali gépre, ott tudom megnézni az alkatrész pozíciót