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Samsung UE40ES5700 or power supply BN4400502A blinking 6x

What mean this 6 times blinking ? 

no picture on Screen;

no sounds;

no backlight;

on powersupply the power for backlight is 250V on 2 blue cables;

5V is (5.2V) on and 13V are only 12.88 V 

what are the Problem ? 

I think  backlight LED are defektive and on powersupply  the 13V are not ok.

Must I change the powersupply ? 

Vigh Tibor
Vigh Tibor picture

HI! Try the tv start without main board. You must see the backlight on the screen. If you does not have backlight, then replace wrong led.


F-Yoci picture

Hello!  The Samsung TV-s have not blinking error codes.