Cambiamos el CI STK 2038 y sigue el problema. Hay tensión continua +35V en la salida de bocina en Amplificador SU Z2 Technics. Gracias Add new comment Comments 2023, March 21 - 07:59 #512771 torokj 15 years 4 months Hello, DId you check the -35 V negative voltage on the pin 4 of the SVISTK 2038?Also check the feedback resistors (R329-332) If the simmetrical power supply voltages are OK (+35V pin 2,-35V pin 4, you propably bought a FAKE power amp hybrid IC. TJ 0
DId you check the -35 V negative voltage on the pin 4 of the SVISTK 2038?Also check the feedback resistors (R329-332)
If the simmetrical power supply voltages are OK (+35V pin 2,-35V pin 4, you propably bought a FAKE power amp hybrid IC.