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Relevant AUDIO forum topics:
ECLER NUO 2 (fuse problem)


i just checked the service manual of this mix table and I’m questioning myself about the fuse which needs to be used on it as on the schematic I can see 2 fuses but I lost this fuses plastic holder long time ago and now I’m going to receive the new power supply ( FMFONT30C ) which was faulty and I’m going to make it works again but I’m not sure if the fuses plastic holder is using one fuse and you got a spare one on it ( this is what I think by mind but it was years ago ) or it needs to use 2 fuses.
fuse are 500ma 5X20.

you can find the service manual in attached file. ( screen shot ) but the complete service manual can be found on this website too.

thanks for your advise.


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